Monday, 17 October 2016

Fossil Evidence Has 5 Serious Flaws

Top 5 Flaws in Fossil Records

Virtually all of evolution research relies on evidence from one of two sources, fossils or DNA. Genetic evidence has serious flaws, but fossils have even bigger weaknesses. Most laymen don’t realize how little fossils can really tell us about life on earth, past or present, because most scientists talk about fossils as if they hold the key to solving all mysteries. What are the five biggest problems with fossil evidence? Check ‘em out:


Most fossils are incomplete, with large chunks missing. Have paleontologists filled in the gaps correctly? No one can answer the question without a time machine to let us go back in time and check paleontologists’ work.


Many fossils, even complete ones, are found shattered in thousands of pieces. Paleontologists must reconstruct the fossil, which introduces the possibility of human error. Can we tell for certain what a shattered, squashed specimen looked like in life? No one knows the answer to that question either.


The fossil record does not preserve every creature that ever existed. Scientists have estimated fossils represent no more than 10% and perhaps less than 1% of all species that have ever lived on earth. Can evolutionists accurately reconstruct a tree of life from woefully inadequate evidence? That’s another question with no genuine answer.


Evolutionists like to proclaim that we know which species evolved into which because we have transitional fossils. Unfortunately transitional fossils aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Millions of years often separate the so-called transitional fossils from their ancestors and descendants. And they suffer from the same fatal flaw as all other fossils…


No fossils have yielded complete, workable DNA. Scientists must rely on the morphology—the anatomy and outward appearance—of fossils to determine their relationships to each other and to living organisms. How accurately can paleontologists distinguish one type of animal from another based on morphology? With fossils, no one knows. With living animals, DNA studies have shown that two animals who look alike can differ genetically. What does this mean for fossil morphology? Once again, no one knows.
And that may be the biggest problem with fossils. No one knows, and no one can know, anything for certain about creatures long dead whose remains have been exposed to the elements and the shifting of tectonic plates for millions of years. Anyone who speaks about fossils as if the specimens prove anything or solve any mysteries exaggerates the evidence.


The post Fossil Evidence Has 5 Serious Flaws appeared first on Daily Rant Online.

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