Monday, 24 October 2016

Spaceship Juno Getting An Adjustment In Space

Slight Changes in Juno’s Plans

“Juno’s” ultimate goal is to reach Jupiter and NASA mission managers have delayed it! Juno is a carefully designed spacecraft with a mission that is meant to go closer to Jupiter – the largest planet in our system. US space agency confirmed that the delay is till December. The decision will be extended if the performance of the probe is not up to the mark. Many researchers are analyzing the overall performance, values and other important fuel pressurization systems in the probe. The original burn was scheduled for the 19th of October 2016. This is also known as the Period Reduction Maneuver alias PRM. The burn was meant to reduce Juno’s orbital duration from 53.4 days to 14 days!

Let it not affect the Science behind Juno!

Scott Bolton, a principal investigator at Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio believes that the reduction in orbital period shouldn’t reduce the probe’s overall quality. The science behind Juno shouldn’t be affected by PRM! With this being said, the mission becomes very flexible. NASA reveals that the best time to burn is when the probe is closest to the big planet. This is why the probe’s next burn is scheduled on the 11th of December 2016. A lot of mission engineers and designers are assigned to study and understand Juno better for future missions. The designers are planning to cut down the number of science instruments in Juno by the 19th of October. This is the time when Juno would have another close flyby around Jupiter.

Since the period of reduction Maneuver is extended, the spacecraft’s science instruments are and will be used to gather further formation. Scientists believe that plenty of data would be gathered during this time to assess future flights. Originally, Juno was launched into action on the 5th of August 2011 from Florida. It arrived at Jupiter on the 4th of July 2016.


The post Spaceship Juno Getting An Adjustment In Space appeared first on Daily Rant Online.

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